SAA LogoHow to Apply for Artist Membership in the Society of Animal Artists

Thank you for your wanting to join the Society of Animal Artists (SAA). The Society is a world-renowned organization that has become the standard bearer of excellence in animal art and within the greater fine art community. The Society of Animal Artists was founded in 1960 by the late Patricia Allen Bott and Guido Borghi, two visionaries who sought to reposition animal art as an important contemporary art form by creating a community of like-minded artists. Since its inception, the Society has grown by leaps and bounds, generating tremendous response through its museum and gallery exhibitions. The annual Art and the Animal exhibition is an eagerly awaited event in the art world and provides our artists with the opportunity for greater recognition.

To apply for artist membership:

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: January 15th, 2026 It is advisable NOT to wait until the last minute should your application have any issues! The SAA jury meets once annually the week after the deadline.

Please Note: The SAA is not actively seeking to grow in membership numbers so our jury is tough! We are looking for excellence above all else. Former members should contact the office about rejoining the Society. Applicants will not be provided with feedback or critiques.

– If you have any questions, contact us by email.

(Applicants may be elected to either Signature or Associate membership. Membership benefits include the ability to submit to the SAA’s Annual Exhibition and SAA regional shows; SAA newsletters and communications; listing on the SAA website and catalog; promotion via our social media platforms; participation in lectures, presentations, workshops, and meetings; access to SAA Team Partner discounts and special offers; attendance at SAA receptions and award banquets; SAA outings, field trips, and more!

Signature Member: Signature members are considered full members of the Society and are granted all privileges of Society membership. They are recognized as having attained the highest level of ability in the field of animal art and consistently uphold the Society’s standards of excellence. They are entitled to vote in Society matters and use the initials “SAA” when signing artwork.

Associate Member: Associate members are granted many of the privileges of Society membership and are eligible to submit work to all exhibitions. Associates may not vote in Society matters or use the initials “SAA” when signing artwork. Associates may become Signature Members by jury vote or by earning points in Society shows and exhibitions. Associates are automatically promoted to Signature members if they receive the Award of Excellence in an Annual Exhibition.

Dues and Fees Payable Upon Acceptance: Associate Members & Signature Members Initiation Fee: $100.00 Annual Dues: $175.00 TOTAL: $275.00. NOTE: To secure your membership, all dues and fees must be received within 30 days of notification. Membership materials will be emailed to you upon receipt of payment.