Society of Animal Artists Members

Master Signature Members: These artists have been recognized as Master Signature Members having received the prestigious Society’s Award of Excellence five or more times.

Distinguished Signature Members: These artists have had the honor of having their work included in a minimum of fifteen (15) Annual Exhibitions.

Signature Members: Signature members are considered full members of the Society and are granted all privileges of Society membership. They are recognized as having attained the highest level of ability in the field of animal art and consistently uphold the Society’s standards of excellence. They are entitled to vote in Society matters and use the initials “SAA” when signing artwork.

SAA LogoSignature Members may receive further recognition as Master and/or Distinguished.

Associate Members: Associate members are granted many of the privileges of Society membership and are eligible to submit work to all exhibitions. Associates may not vote in Society matters or use the initials “SAA” when signing artwork. Associates may become Signature Members by jury vote or by earning points in Society shows and exhibitions. Associates are automatically promoted to Signature members if they receive the Award of Excellence in an Annual Exhibition.

Honorary Members: Individuals upon whom the Society has conferred Honorary Status.

Emeritus Members: Former officers of the Society who are still active in the organization.

Members in Memoriam: Death has claimed many members of the Society of Animal Artists since its founding in 1960. These artists supported the Society during their lifetimes and each made his or her special contribution to art. Although separated from us by death they are fondly remembered by their fellows. (Please notify the Society if you know of a member not listed here)


  • Bunny Connell
  • Terry Mathews
  • Dino Paravano
  • Doug Allen
  • Guy Coheleach
  • Leslie Delgyer
  • Albert Earl Gilbert
  • Jay Johnson
  • Dale Marie Muller
  • Wes Siegrist
  • Robert (Bob) K. Abbett
  • Charles M. Allmond, III
  • Anthony M. Alonso
  • Richard Amundsen
  • Dennis Anderson
  • Brian H. Archibald
  • Jane B. Armstrong
  • Eldridge Arnold
  • Dharbinder Bamrah
  • Al Barnes
  • William F. Bartlett
  • Emily Barto
  • Cheryl Battistelli
  • Harold (Tad) Beach
  • Thomas Beecham
  • Sid Bell
  • Beverly Bender
  • Eric Berg
  • Edward J. Bierly
  • Herb Booth
  • Guido R. Borghi
  • Paul Bosman
  • Joseph L. Boulton
  • J. Shirley Bothum
  • Patricia Allen Bott
  • Joseph Boulton
  • F. Jean Bowman
  • Ajay Brainard
  • Eva Brand
  • Paul Bransom
  • Jonathan Bronson
  • William Brown
  • Olympio Brindesi
  • Clarence P. Cameron
  • Brenda Carter
  • Edward Caswell
  • Chapel
  • Larry Chandler
  • Gardel Dano Christensen
  • Richard Clive
  • John Clymer
  • Gifford Cochran
  • Farrell R. Collett
  • Simon Combes
  • Jerome P. Connolly
  • Bard Cosman
  • Jack Cowen
  • Peter Darro
  • Joseph A. Davis
  • Charles De Feo
  • Sue Dickinson
  • Mel Dobson
  • Jack L. Dumas
  • Donald R. Eckelberry
  • Richard Ellis
  • Lyn Ellision
  • Francis W. Eustis
  • Maurice Eyeington
  • Elizabeth Fairchild
  • Larry Fanning
  • Walter Ferguson
  • Melvin (Mel) Fillerup
  • Charles Fracé
  • Bill Freeman
  • Anne Frey
  • Brenda Fry
  • Elizabeth Rungius Fulda
  • Arthur D. Fuller
  • Stan Galli
  • Athena Gilliland
  • Girard Goodenow
  • Casimir S. Gradomski
  • Walter Graham
  • Donald Grant
  • Charles Hafner
  • Grant O. Hagen
  • Hap Hagood
  • Joseph (Joe) Halko
  • Evelyn Haller
  • Peter Haller
  • John F. Hamberger
  • Una Hanbury
  • Ray Harm
  • Charles (Charley) Harper
  • June Harrah (Lord)
  • Lucien Harris, III
  • Cleo Hartwig
  • Richard Hauser, Jr.
  • Janet N. Heaton
  • Everett Hibbard
  • Harry L. Hoffman
  • William Hollywood
  • Anna Hyatt Huntington
  • Terry Isaac
  • Laurence G. Isard
  • Hazel Brill Jackson
  • Francis Lee Jaques
  • Paul Jeynes
  • Katherine Todd Johnstone
  • Louis Paul Jonas
  • Jacobine Jones
  • Richard Keane
  • Alma Kline
  • William (Bill) J. Koelpin
  • Les Kouba
  • Robert (Bob) C. Kray
  • Robert E. Krieg
  • Robert (Bob) Kuhn
  • James F. Landenberger
  • Ole Larsen
  • Gene Larson
  • Gertrude K. Lathrop
  • Lee LeBlanc
  • Liz Lesperance
  • Robert E. Lougheed
  • Dorcas MacClintock
  • Lynn Maderich
  • Terri Malec
  • Donald (Don) L. Malick
  • Ila McAfee
  • Bill McGlaun
  • Gregory McHuron
  • Stanley Meltzoff
  • Donald Richard Miller
  • Alfred G. Milotte
  • Ann M. Milton
  • Ugo Mochi
  • C. E. Monroe, Jr
  • Lanford Monroe
  • Benson Moore
  • Marilyn Newmark
  • Timothy Nimmo
  • Taylor Oughton
  • Thomas (Tom) D. Palmerton
  • Emily Parkman
  • Robert S. Pease
  • Mary Penner
  • Roger Tory Peterson
  • Harriet E. Phillips
  • Pollyanna Pickering
  • Werner R. Plangg
  • Karl Plath
  • Catherine Porteous-Sutton
  • Roger Preuss
  • Julio Pro
  • Mary Purdey
  • John R. Quinn
  • Louis S. Raymer
  • Maynard Reece
  • Terry Redlin
  • Robert L. Refvem
  • William Reusswig
  • Maureen Riley
  • Chuck Ripper
  • Don Rodell
  • Dorothy Dvorsky Rohner
  • Jon Ruehle
  • John Ruthven
  • Robert P. Sadler
  • Robert R. Salo
  • Lloyd Sandford
  • Sam Savitt
  • Manfred Schatz
  • William Schnute
  • John Schoenherr
  • Robert (Bob) Scriver
  • John Seerey-Lester
  • Alexander (Ned) Seidel
  • David L. Schaefer
  • Sir Peter Scott
  • Keith Shackleton
  • Louise Shattuck
  • Julie E. Shearer
  • Marion Ruff Sheehan
  • Joseph Sibal
  • Arthur B. Singer
  • Robert S. Sleicher
  • Richard Sloan
  • Dee Smith
  • Morten Solberg
  • Sharon Sommers
  • John M. Soulliére
  • Erwin P. Springweiler
  • Linda St. Clair
  • Debbie Edgers Sturges
  • Monty Frank Taylor
  • William Redd Taylor
  • Helen Damrosch Tee-Van
  • Jan Sharkey Thomas
  • Linda Thompson
  • Rita Thornton
  • Richard Timm
  • Clarence Tillenius
  • Wayne Trimm
  • Joseph Vance, Jr.
  • Robert Warfield
  • Virginia Warfield
  • Walter A. Weber
  • Katharine Lane Weems
  • Robert G. Wehle
  • Milton C. Weiler
  • Robert A. Weinman
  • Clement Weisbecker
  • Richardson White
  • Wheeler Williams
  • Victoria Wilson-Schultz
  • Walter J. Wilwerding
  • William Zimmerman
  • Patrica Allen Bott & Guido Borghi (Founders) 1958-1960
  • Elisabeth Rungius Fulda 1960
  • Paul Bransom 1961-1978
  • Albert Earl Gilbert 1978-1983
  • Joseph Vance, Jr. 1984-1994
  • Charles Allmond, III 1995-2000
  • Francis Sweet 2001-2003
  • Leslie Delgyer 2004-2008
  • Diane Mason 2008-2013
  • Reneé Bemis 2014- to date

A Special Thank You to these SAA Patrons who financially contributed to the SAA:


  • Michael Allen McGregor


  • William M. Ramsdell, MD

Information on becoming a Patron member with the SAA can be found on our Patron Membership page.