SAA Special Show Entry Form
PLEASE NOTE potential changes in the prospectus for each show!
Please prepare your images in the following format used by our jury:
Specifications: 300dpi, 2400 pixels largest dimension, Jpeg format
Filename: (example) Please use the A and B label over what was listed inside the prospectus. I realized after the fact that ARC’s format doesn’t work with our jury process. Thanks, Wes
Images should be labeled as “lastname.A.jpg” and “lastname.B.jpg”
3D artists may submit an additional view as “lastnameA1.jpg”
When ready, please email your artwork images to Wes at admin@societyofanimalartists.com
QUESTIONS: admin@societyofanimalartists.com or 423-799-0925
After submitting, this page should scroll back down to a confirmation if your submission was successful. You will also receive an acknowledgement from Wes via email that everything was received OK!